Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor
As the name suggests “Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm” was developed using Microprocessor. 8085 is the Heart of the system. The sensors are made with help of LDR which are Light Dependent Resistors, whose Resistance is inversely proportional to the Light falling on it. The LDR converts the light energy into electrical energy and this variable electrical energy was converted into digital signal (0 or 1) by using the timer IC555. The Timer IC output goes low when light falls on the LDR and the timer IC output goes high when the LDR was placed in dark circuit is as shown in below figure: circuit the flow chart for Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor is as shown in following fig. flow chart the program for Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor this is as shown below make sure that the Power supply pins & Port number before you connect the Hardware to the Trainer Kit. 0001 0000 0002 0000 ...